Running and Helping!
The Poland Business Run is a flagship event organized by the foundation of the same name, which has been supporting individuals with mobility disabilities, amputations, and mastectomies for many years.
The event enjoys immense popularity; so much so that not even the outbreak of the 2020 pandemic could deter participants from taking part! Moreover, it was during that time that the organizers introduced a new format for the virtual run, allowing participants to run from any location in the world. This format continues to operate to this day.
Because Together We Can Achieve More
At EME Aero, we are driven not only by a passion for aviation but also by solidarity, support, and empathy – these values form the foundation of our community. Therefore, with joy and determination, we joined the Poland Business Run initiative. We also demonstrate that our company collaborates not only on the business front. As a leader in the Aviation Valley, we feel obligated to support the community in the best way we can – together.
Strength in Numbers!
During the run, we were fueled by strong sports emotions. As many as 180 members of our team took part in the action! Some ran individually, according to the virtual race formula, and some met together to overcome the distance and cheer on each other.
Thank you to everyone who joined us. We are proud that once again we could contribute and help people with disabilities. As you can see, solidarity and empathy have enormous power!